Tag: Linux

  • How To Install Ubuntu Linux

    How To Install Ubuntu Linux

    This article will focus on the step-by-step instructions on how to install Ubuntu. First of all, here is an intro to the popular Debian-based Operating system. Ubuntu Linux is one of the most popular free operating systems in the world. Mainly, thanks to the great community behind this project and to Canonical, the company in charge…

  • What is Linux & all its Distributions?

    What is Linux & all its Distributions?

    A Linux distribution or Linux distro is an operating system that consists of a collection of open-source software based on the Linux kernel and a package management system. Above all, each Linux distribution includes the Linux kernel as the foundation of the operating system. Secondly, it includes the GNU shell utilities as the terminal interface. In addition, this distribution also consists of…

  • What is a Virtual Machine?

    What is a Virtual Machine?

    A virtual machine (VM) is a virtual computer that works like a computer within a computer. This virtual computer system runs on isolated partitions. These VMs has their own operating system with dedicated amounts of CPU, memory, and storage that are borrowed from the physical host computer. Most importantly, the whole system is contained within a computer…