Whether it’s a profile picture, a cover image, or an advertisement post there is an image size rule for every image uploaded to a social media platform. In this quick-scroll world of social media, the visual face of your brand is often times the first thing your audience sees and possibly the one thing they remember.
Getting your images to look good on everything from Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest is difficult without a guide. Before you upload your images for your marketing campaign check my complete Social Media Image Size: Reference Guide.
Image Size Guidelines: Social Media
So you’ve decided to invest in social media marketing for your small business. The big question is; in which social media platform should you invest? The first step for a social media campaign is choosing the right picture for your post. This is especially challenging to make it look good in different sizes.
There are tenths of social media platforms and all required different image sizes. Let’s start with the most popular Social Media Networks and simplify its image structure.
Facebook Image Size
Facebook is the world’s largest social network in the world with almost 2 billion monthly active users. Therefore, this makes Facebook one of the best places to invest in your marketing campaign. One bad image choice could make the difference between a successful marketing campaign. For up-to-date information visit Facebook.com.
Image Size Guidelines & Dimensions
- Shared post image: 1200 x 630 pixels
- Profile image: 180 x 180 pixels
- Cover image: 820 x 312 pixels
Twitter Image Size
Twitter is home to over 330 million monthly active users. As more companies take to social media to connect with their customers, it’s crucial to ensure that you have the right presence online. If you’re not already active on Twitter, you could be missing out on some serious leads. For up-to-date information visit Twitter.com.
Image Size Guidelines & Dimensions
- In-stream image: 1024 x 512 pixels
- Profile image: 400 x 400 pixels
- Header image: 1500 x 500 pixels
Pinterest Image Size
Pinterest is a social media platform primarily driven by visuals stimulation. Its ads offer marketers the chance to earn awareness and consideration from Pinterest’s over 250 million users. Your Pinterest ad campaign type will determine what is the best ad format you use. So it’s good to know the attributes of each image size before starting your campaign. For up-to-date information visit Pinterest.com.
Image Size Guidelines & Dimensions
- Board cover image: 222 x 150 pixels
- Profile image: 165 x 165 pixels
- Pinned image preview: 236 pixels wide
It’s recommended to use an image aspect ratio of 2:3 to 1:3.5
Instagram Image Size
While there are many reasons a business might decide to invest in Instagram advertising. Increasing your brand awareness is typically the main reason for using these social media advertising tools. This is great because over one billion people use Instagram every month.
Since Instagram is such a visual platform, quality images are the way to go. A set of images or videos accompanied by an attractive Call-to-Action will help you reach your audience with Instagram ads. For up-to-date information visit Instagram.com.
Image Size Guidelines & Dimensions
- Profile image: 110 x 110 pixels
- Shared photos: 1080 x 1080 pixels
- Instagram Stories: 1080 x 1920 pixels
Image Size Guidelines & Dimensions for Advertisement
- Landscape Ads image: 1080 x 566 pixels
- Square Ads image: 1080 x 1080 pixels
LinkedIn Image Size
LinkedIn ads can help your business reach a powerful professional audience. What really helps set LinkedIn ads apart from other social media advertising platforms, is their B2B targeting options.
LinkedIn has optimized its targeting options to allow marketers to really sharpen in and be able to connect with those specific professionals. For up-to-date information visit LinkedIn.com.
Image Size Guidelines & Dimensions
- Banner image: 1584 x 396 pixels
- Profile image: 400 x 400 pixels
- Blog post image: 1200 x 628 pixels
- Shared link preview: 180 x 110 pixels
- Square logo: 60 x 60 pixels
For the company, page follow these guidelines
- Logo image: 300 x 300 pixels
- Cover image: 1536 x 768 pixels
- Page banner image: 646 x 220 pixels
The Bottom Line
In order to be successful with your Social Media campaign, you need to start with the proper social media image sizes. It’s important to make sure those images are sharp, high-quality, and the right size.
Engaging with your customers and leads on social media helps you build stronger customer relationships Social media is an essential piece of your business marketing strategy. So, apply these guidelines to get the best results for your business.